A unfinished game where you can acquire spells and weapon to fight ennemies.

Keyboard Controls:
- Mouse: Aim
- ZQSD/Left Joystick: Move Around
- Shift/A: Dash
- Esc/Back: Menu/Cancel
- Left Click/LB: Spell 1
- Right Click/RB: Spell 2
-  A/LT: Spell 3
- E/RT: Spell 4
- Tab/Start: Inventory
- Arrows/Dpad: Navigate in Menu
- Enter/A: Select

Made withGodot


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i love the gameboy advance aesthetic and your artstyle for this game !!

Some of the assets are not mine:
- Skeletons are from Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
- Some of the UI were taken from Final Fantasy Tactics
- Inputs icons are from https://kenney-assets.itch.io/input-prompts-pixel-16
but i try to get better at pixel art so i can do thing on my own, so thank you for the comment :)